M104, The Sombrero Galaxy, as imaged with my Dob on 2013-04-02 is an unbarred spiral galaxy visible in the constellation Virgo. Referred to as the “sombrero” because of the dark dust lane through the visual center and its unusually bright and large central bulge. It is located ~28 million light years from Earth. It is easily visible in binoculars and small telescopes.
Image details
- 32x30s ISO3200, 10 dark frames
- Stacked in DSS, post processed with Darktable, Photoshop CS2, and Fotoxx, in Linux
Equipment used
- Zhumell Z10 Dobsonian on DIY EQ tracking platform
- Canon T2i 550D DSLR (unmodded)
- GSO coma corrector
- BackyardEOS software for image acquision
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