I took a chance and did something crazy. I inserted my cheap ($15 USD) Logitech C250 webcam into not one…but TWO Barlow lenses AT THE SAME TIME, into a Zhumell Z10 10″ Newtonian reflector telescope.
Even though I didn’t intend to, I shot some video and then stacked and processed the output with Registax6 (for wavelets), and Autostakkart2, and this is the best I’ve been able to do with it so far. Given better seeing and the EQ platform I plan to build, I’m convinced this could be great!
(click to enlarge)
Hello I am David from Nashville. I was wondering how the double barlow experiment has went? I to have done this before just messing around and saw that it worked but never took it any further. Fill me in a bit when you get the time on any data you have on this and AP. Thanks, David
Update — it works! I use stacked Barlows on nights of good seeing with Jupiter right now. Though, I use a DSLR for video now instead of my webcam. It would be better to use a 5x Powermate or so, but I just don’t want to spend the money right now.