Date: 2012-01-02 18:00 – 18:30 CST
Location: 93d36’W 41d44’N
Conditions: Clear, 30F
Trans: 3.5/5, Seeing: 2/5
Equipment: Zhumell Z10 10″ Newtonian reflector telescope, Nikon D3100 DSLR
What I saw
I don’t have too much to report other than Jupiter looked an awful lot like it had petroleum jelly spread all over it at anything higher than 80x, but the moon had some really cool craters showing nice shadows. So, I took some pictures. Someday I may look them up in a moon atlas to see what the names are of these craters within craters within craters.
Can the double crater within a crater be deemed a lucky sighting? I would think so!
(click to make ’em huger)
The photo on the right is Plato.
The photo on the left has the crater Clavius in the bottom left.
This is a really helpful site for moon watching.
I followed you here from astronomyforum. ( tomwall )
Keep enjoying your scope with your 4 year old. They’ll remember
Thanks, Tom!